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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Sim City 3000 System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-07-27 14:28:19 Views : 43372 Cheat : To use a cheat code, press the [Ctrl], [Shift], [Alt] and [C] keys at the same time. This will bring up a cheat window for you to type a code. CODE: i am weak EFFECT: Makes buildings, utilities, zoning, transportation, planting trees and creating surface water free. CODE: call cousin Vinnie EFFECT: A new petitioner item will appear in the Meet window, announcing a "Local Fundraising Event." This, um, "businessman" will offer you some cash, no questions asked. Should you choose to accept his offer, you'll notice a little extra cash in your coffers. CODE: zyxwvu EFFECT: This code isn't available to just anybody, you have to prove your integrity first. Use the "call cousin Vinnie" cheat and refuse his immoral offer. Then use the "zyxwvu" cheat and the beautiful SimCity Castle will appear in your Rewards menu. In addition to looking cool, the castle boosts land value, aura, and does other wonderful things to the surrounding area. CODE: garbage in, garbage out EFFECT: Makes all garbage buildings available. CODE: power to the masses EFFECT: Makes all power buildings available. CODE: water in the desert EFFECT: Makes all water buildings available. CODE: Salt on EFFECT: Changes the sea to salt water. CODE: Salt off EFFECT: Changes the sea to fresh water. CODE: Terrain one up EFFECT: Raises the terrain. CODE: Terrain one down EFFECT: Lowers the terrain. CODE: Terrain ten up EFFECT: Raises the terrain. CODE: Terrain ten down EFFECT: Lowers the terrain. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Sim City 3000 cheat codes.
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